I got a bee but no honey. I got an eye but still blind. I got a sea but no water. I got a tea but no coffee. I got a tea but no answer.
What am I?
ANSWER: The alphabets
Explanation: I have one eye but still, I am blind (Alphabet I) I have a sea but there is no water. (Alphabet C) I have a bee but there is no honey. (Alphabet B) I have a tea but there is no coffee (Alphabet T) Moreover, I have why but sadly there is no answer. (Alphabet Y)
I have an eye but am blind, am a sea, but no water; Am a bee, but no honey; Tea but no coffee; and Am a why, but no answer. What am I?
I don’t like to drink coffee, but I like tea,
I don’t to swim in lakes but I will swim in a sea,
In food I don’t like carrot but like Pea,
Which insect would I like?
A. Fly B. Mosquito C. Bee D. Grasshoppers
Coffee can go in, but tea cannot. Riddles can go in, but question cannot. Quizzes can go in, but survey cannot. Spoon can go in, but fork cannot. Green can go in, but red cannot. Glass can go in, but plastic cannot. Door can go in, but window cannot. Why?
My first is in ocean but never in sea; My second's in wasp but never in bee; My third is in glider and also in flight; My whole is a creature that comes out at night. What am I?