Given below are 6 hints from which you have to guess the words or phrases.
*Had to use the Internet...
Given below are 4 hints from which you have to guess the words or phrases.
1. Lem Ade 2. TROUBLE 3. T U R N I T 4. N A E L C
Given below are 2 hints from which you have to guess the words or phrases.
Given below are 3 hints from which you have to guess the phrases.
Rearrange the letters to form new words, phrases, places or names. The words in parentheses are hints. ONE ON ALP (conqueror) SEEK A PHRASE (playful fellow) KNEE CRUTCH ART (great ballet) NONE MISTER (soup) TOXIC NAME (April agony)
Look at the picture and guess the words from the given hints.