What you are asking us is a Perfect Pangram (Pangram (A sentence with all the letters of the english alphabet repeated atleast once) with 26 letters with no repetition of letters). There are some examples on the internet like: Cwm fjord veg balks nth pyx quiz. (Relaxing in basins at the end of inlets terminates the endless tests from the box.) For more of them here is the link [ http://clagnut.com/blog/2380/ ]
P.S: It seems like these sentences are really difficult to make, most of the words that have been used here were not even in my vocabulary.
Zyxt Qishm Job Pad V wreck flung. (https://www.englishforums.com/English/26LettersSentenceRepeats/jpzlk/post.htm)
There is a seven-letter word in the English language that has ten total words without rear-ranging any of its letters. What is the word?
Eliminate all 26 letters of the alphabet in alphabetical order, but not necessarily starting with 'A', to reveal a sentence.
There are three words in the English language that end with the letters 'g', 'r', and 'y'. Two are "hungry" and "angry." The third word is something everyone uses every day. Everyone knows what the third word means. What is the third word?