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These are the First and Last Letter of words that are opposites. Can you guess what they are ?

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These are the First and Last Letter of words that are opposites.
Can you guess what they are ?

  1. W----R And S----R
  2. H-T And C--D
  3. D--P And S-----W
  4. T------R And A---T
  5. E-----E And I-----E
  6. C---P And E-------E
  7. A---E And B---W
  8. Y-------Y And T------W
  9. F----E And P--T
  10. E--Y And D-------T
posted Aug 21, 2017 by Ujjwal Mehra

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Just for example, if my first refers to ‘off’ and my second refers to ‘ice’, then my whole will be the ‘office’.

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