If we add 12 thousand, 12 hundred and 12 what is the largest digit in the answer?
Note: Answer without paper and pen...
12000 + 1200 + 12 = 13212. So 3 is the highest digit in the resulting number. [No need of calculator for this].
Answer: 12000 + 1200 + 12 = 13212. So 3 is the largest digit in the resulting number.( Answer was find out without paper and pen...)
N is a three-digit number. The digits of N can be swapped to give five new numbers. If we add these five numbers, we get 2022. What is the value of N ?
If six thousand six hundred and six dollar is written as $6,606, then write eleven thousand eleven hundred and eleven dollars.
If five thousand, five hundred five rupees is written as Rs. 5,505/-, how should twelve thousand, twelve hundred twelve rupees be written?