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I run forever, With a roaring call. Yet I have no throat, Or any legs at all. Rock wears away, Whilst I grow...........

0 votes

I run forever,
With a roaring call.
Yet I have no throat,
Or any legs at all.

Rock wears away,
Whilst I grow.
You try to race me,
And receive a blow.

What am I?

posted Nov 2, 2017 by Balwinder

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0 votes

I drift forever with the current,
down these long canals they've made,
Tame, yet wild, I run elusive,
multitasking to your aid.
Before I came, the world was darker,
Colder, sometimes, rougher, true,
But though I might make living easy,
I'm good at killing people too.
What am I?

+1 vote

I ride forever with the current;

down these long canals they’ve made;

tame, yet wild, I run elusive, multitasking to your aid.

Before I came, the world was darker, colder, sometimes, rougher, true.

But though I might make human life’s easy, I’m good at killing too.
