Aadesh folded this net to make a 12-sided dice. He placed it on the table so that 12 was showing on top. Which face was on the bottom?
The 2nd(downwards) side will be opposite to the 1st(upwards) side. If we rotate 2nd side to 180°, we can replace 12 to B.
If the given figure is folded to make a cube, which of the following options will be formed?
There are 10 cups placed on a table such that 3 are face up and 7 are bottom up. A move is defined as inverting a pair (compulsorily) of cups. What is the minimum number of moves required to make all the cups face the same way?
Draw a clock face with the numbers 1 to 12 in their usual positions. Can you draw a line so that the numbers on one side of it add up to five times the numbers on the other side?