A farmer has Ten Horses and nine stables as shown below;
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
How can he fit Ten horses into nine stables?
These are the stables. [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] This is the answer. [t][e][n][h][o][r][s][e][s]
The nine Horses are square fenced as shown in the picture below. By constructing just two square fences can you make sure that two Horses cannot meet each other without crossing the fence?
A farmer has a ton of strange animals, but he has to sell one of them. He has a pig with two tails, a cow with two utters, a horse with two right hooves, and a chicken with only three toes on each foot.
To keep his livestock as weird as possible, what animal should he sell?
As shown in the image, the nine horses are square fenced. By constructing just two square fences can you make sure that two horses cannot meet each other without crossing the fence?
Place words zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten into the puzzle below. The words may read horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. TWO and SEVEN have already been placed.