4 times 2178 = 8712
Ans. is 2178. Solution given at the comment please.
A number ABCD times 4 equals DCBA. Each letter is a different digit from 0 to 9. What is the value of each letter?
What is the value of x which satisfies the following equation?
Find the positive integer x that satisfies the following equation (not as complex as it seems to be)
ABCD is a 4 digit number find out ABC with the following hints A is not equal to B and C B is not equal to C A<B<C D is not equal to 0(zero) and 1(one) If A+B+C+D = XY(two digit number) Then X+Y=D-1
If C, A and R not necessarily distinct, non-zero integers ranging from 1 to 9, what is the value of each of C, A, R?
C A R C A C ------ A R C ------