Find the five digit number in which the first digit is one half of the the 4 fourth digit, the second digit is one fourth of the last digit, the fourth digit is 3 times the second digit, and the third digit is the first digit plus 4.
32768 works 3 = 6/2. 2 = 8/4. 7 = 3+4. 6 = 2*3.
Create a four digit number in which the first digit is one fourth of the last digit, Second digit is 6 times of the first digit, and the third digit is addition of the second digit and 3.
Find a five-digit number in which the last number is the sum of the first, second, and third; the third is four less than the last; the fourth is two less than the last; and the first and fourth added are one less than the last. The last number is also three times the second.
What is the five-digit number, no zeroes, in which the second digit is three times the first, the third is one more than the second, the fourth is four times the first, and the last is one-half more than the second?
What is the four digit number in which the first digit is one-third the second, the third is the sum of the first two, and the last is three times the second?
There is a number, the second digit of which is smaller than its first digit by 4, and if the number was divided by the digit's sum, the quotient would be 7. Can you find the number?