I Can Move While Sitting In One Place.
I can go up to 8 places in any direction.
When I can no longer move, I have to get up and go.
Who am I?
I think its the King of a chess game.
Chess Player. A chess player can move his pieces across the chess board up to 8 places in any direction. Once he is check-mate he cannot move any more and the game has ended, so he has to get up and go.
I believe you are a chess player.
My age no longer sits on a calendar. I function when needed thats if my hands have not given up. A landmark and even a part of history. What am I?
On each row place two letters that can be attached to the end of the word to give a longer word.
When completed, the eight added letters will give a word reading downwards. What is it?
MET _ _ CONS _ _ SOCK _ _ HAS _ _