I am a set of three words, all with the same four letters. First I am a small wading bird related to a crane. Then turn me around, and I am a person not to be trusted. Now switch my middle letters ... and I become a place to find an animal.
What are the words?
Answer: RAIL = a small wading bird LIAR = a person who can not be trusted LAIR = where an animal can be found
I am a set of three words, all with the same four letters. First I am a type of carriage. Then switch my middle letters, and I am a cover often useful on a diamond. Now switch my end letters..... When you see me, you also see hair. What are the words?
I am a set of three words, all with the same six letters. First I am a kingdom, though not royally so. Then spell me backwards, and I become a thin plate. Now rearrange my consonants, leaving my vowels in place ... I am now a type of paper.
For each of the following four words, come up with another English word that uses all the same letters but in a different order. The four words you come up with will rhyme with one another. Onset News Wrong Hornet
Find words to fit the clues, all the words end with the same three letters. What are the words?
_ _ _ _ _ _ Stick to
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A fine wool
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ First performance
In the following sentence, fill in the blanks with three words that are the same except for their first letters.
The ----------- would --------- ---------- with soap than with body wash.