Today is admin birthday. His five close friends Nell Edna harish hsirah and Ellen surprised him with party.
What is special with this list of these five names ?
The sentence "Nell Edna harish hsirah and Ellen" is symmetric about a middle line ie the letters of the first 3 words of the sentence make up the rest of the sentence but is written from the end of the sentence with different grouping.
Nell Edna harish || hsirah and Ellen { flipped horizontally }.
Today little Farhan and his mother visited a school and a family. While they were there, they saw a band, checked out the litter, and noticed a sleuth standing nearby. Later that day, they watched an army and a troop for quite a while, and noticed they were standing beside a battery. As they were leaving to go home that day, Farhan and his mother saw a party just near the den and were indeed very happy.
What was happening here?
Two Friends Priyam and Shruti were talking.
Priyam said 'what rhymes with the word mango?'.
Shruti replied, 'Nothing rhymes with mango.'
'Actually something rhymes with mango', replied Priyam.
Who is correct ?
Today is Newton birthday. A year ago, Newton had five candles and he lit all the candles except the one at the last. Now he is going to light all the candles.
How old is Newton Today?
Of course, he is not five today.