Whats the output of below equation?
(10^0 + 10^1 *10^2 - 10^0)/10 = ?
Note: This belongs to quick-fire section riddles so you need to answer this really fast.
(10^0 + 10^1 *10^2 - 10^0)/10 = ? (1+10x100-1)/10=100
Solve for x in the following quadratic equation and you will have discovered the beautiful time-honored Golden Ratio: X^2 + X -1 = 0
Hint: Quadratic Formula
If possible fill + or - for o and make this true, if not possible then provide the reasoning...
1 o 1/2 o 1/3 o 1/4 o 1/5 o 1/6 o 1/7 o 1/8 o 1/9 o 1/10 o 1/11 o 1/12 = 0