What is a word compromise of 4 letters, still is also made of 5. Occasionally written with 12 letters and later with 5. Never written with 5 but happily with 7.
Number of letters in given words: What - 4 letters Still - 5 Occasionally - 12 Later - 5 Never - 5 Happily - 7
If the first and sixth letters in the word 'COMPROMISE' are interchanged, also the second and seventh letters are interchanged and so on, which letter will be seventh letter from the right?
What is a word made up 4 letters yet is also made up of 3, Although is written with 8 letters and then with 4, Rarely consists of 6 & never is written with 5??
A chimney sweep has 7 rods - they are 5.1m, 4.5m, 2.7m, 2.1m, 1.2m, 0.9m, 0.6m. Which five rods will reach exactly to the top of a 12 metre chimney?
What 5 letter word can have its last 4 letters removed and still sound the same?
What 4 latter word can be written forward, backward or upside down, and can still be read from left to right