Belonging to a creature with claws curled I can lead you to the top of the world Of a ladle I'm part On a mariner's chart Prominent on a black canopy pearled
What am I?
The North Star (Polaris)
You write on me and secrets I can keep. In places never seen. I spin like a top. Though stiff as a board, I’m often described like a mop. What am I ?
I can take parts of Africa, Egypt, Argentina and almost any part of the world in my hands and shove them into a box and move them all around. Who am I?
You write on me and when told to I can keep secrets.
In places never seen. I spin like a top.
But if you don’t take care of me I am lost.
I can come in many colors Like red, yellow, orange, blue or green When you put my lead on paper Your drawings or writing can be seen What am I?