Brown I am and much admired; many horses have I tried; tire a horse and worry a man; tell me this riddle if you can. What am I ?
It is a "Saddle".
Black were are and much admired, Men seek for us if they are tired We tire the horse but comfort man, Tell me this riddle if you can.
Black I am and much admired, Men seek me until they tired. When they find me, they break my head, And take from me my resting bed. What am I?
All of the flowers I have are orchids except two. All of the flowers I have are hibiscuses except two. All of the flowers I have are roses except two.
Can you tell me how many flowers I have ?
Most people by now have me Many people have paid much to get rid of me And many of the same have paid to get me I am constantly in your business and sometimes make things very easy Other times I am a pest and ruin most things I touch
What am I?