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There is a man who is very rich. He has a daughter who is turning 16 and he wants to throw.........What did the man say?

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There is a man who is very rich. He has a daughter who is turning 16 and he wants to throw a party for her. He invited all the men in the kingdom. At the party the man invites everyone out to the pool. The pool is infested with salt water crocodiles. The rich man says, "Whoever can swim across this pool and come out alive, can either have 1 million dollars or marry my daughter." Then there was a splash! They looked over to see a man swimming across the pool with his clothes getting ripped apart. He gets to the end and jumps out. "Congratulations! Do you want to marry my daughter or $1,000,000! What did the man say?

posted Dec 13, 2018 by Simranjeet Singh

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