1)Remove the bottom horizontal stick and left bottom vertical stick from 8 to make 9. One of the sticks put it on the left side of 9 horizontally as a minus symbol. Then from the original 9 on the right side remove topside vertical stick to make No.3. Now you have two more moved sticks spare. Keep them to the left side of 3 to get no.13 Now you have the equation -9+13 = 4
2) From No.8 remove t0p left side vertical stick and bottom right side vertical stick to make No.2. Keep the remove two stick to the left side of 2 to make No.12. From + symbol remove the vertical stick to make a minus symbol. Keep the removed stick by the left bottom side of 9 to make no.8. Now you have 12-8 = 4
3) Remove the middle horizontal stick from No.8 to get 0. Remove the vertical stick from + symbol to make it - (minus) symbol. Now you have two-moved sticks spare. Keep them to the left of newly derived 0 to get no.10. Move top vertical stick from 9 and place it vertically on the left bottom side. You now have the new equation 10-6 = 4