Guess this 5 letter word which you enjoyed in your childhood. First 3 letters: You type this to get to most of the websites. Last 3 Letters: You speak in it to sing or communicate. Last letter: You do this every day while you are awake.
Comic First 3 letters COM. Last 3 letters MIC. Last letter is C and you C (See) when you are awake.
It's not a BAD WORD.
I’m a 8 letter word. I’m someone you cannot avoid in your life. 3,5,6,7 someone unable to speak 1,5,6,7 someone attractive by means of smallness 4,2,6,6,7,8 someone who makes dishes out of clay Who / what am I?
In this teaser, I have given you 4 words. Beside each word is a series of letter groupings. Your task is to find the answer to the word on the left by choosing one letter from each of the letter groups to the right of each clue.
Statuette: fro evi gse rpu lor nai ngd rep
Fgo evI Gse rpU loR naI Ngd rEp = FIGURINE
Sight: vjj asi tys aai vob mnp Spectacles: ple byn emn agw dls tar shj bsn cem sff Artistic: aer sde gts htn mnh gej iot aiu abc Cheat: dsf tyw aei ern oud lkk ies
In this teaser, I have given you a 9-letter word. Your job is to break up this word into 9 separate letters and place them on the dashes to spell a 7-letter word, a 5-letter word, and a 3-letter word. You can use each letter only once.
_ N _ M _ R _
_ O _ O _
_ I _