Price ..... :)
I have one, you have one. If you remove the first letter, a bit remains. If you remove the second, bit still remains. After much trying, you might be able to remove the third one also, but it remains. It dies hard!
Guess the Word It is a five letter word. If u remove first two letters it will be a hobby, If u remove the first and the last letter it will be a part of body, If u remove the second last word it will be a form of energy.
I am a food with 5 letters. If you remove the first letter I am a form of energy. Remove two and I’m needed to live. Scramble the last 3 and you can drink me down. What am I?
I am under you when I am whole. I shift above you if you remove the first letter. I come all around you if you remove the second as well.
Can you tell me who I am?