Name the Nation. 1) Where everyone seems to be thinking 2) Where every one seems to be sleeping 3) Where everyone seems to be working 4) Where everything is not straight 5) Where everything is under control
Probably "Imagination".
Two personal pronouns if you take And join them in due order, An herb will name, without mistake, That scents the garden border.
The following clues each form a unique word by themselves, add them together to get the name of a country. Example: blue and yellow mixed + solid ground = ? Answer: green + land = Greenland 1. Frozen water + solid ground of the earth = ? 2. Used to refer to oneself + competed in a race = ? 3. Anger or wrath + to lower an airplane from sky to ground = ? 4. A relaxing resort + not out = ?
The following word pairs are anagrams which can be combined to form the name of an animal or insect. Try to figure. 1. Log, Rail 2. Lone, Tape 3. Cot, Soup 4. Moral, Dial
Complete the words to fit the clues. The second letters will give a five letter name reading downwards. What is the name?
_ _ _ _ OVEN COOK
_ _ _ _ JEALOUSY
_ _ _ _ YOUNG DEER
Name an English word of more than two letters that both begins and ends with the letters “he” in the order there are two possible answers.