Two sisters we are, one is dark and one is fair, In twin towers dwelling we’re quite the pair, One from land and one from sea, Tell us truly, who are we?
Salt and pepper
Tia and Mia are twin sisters.One of them is a liar whereas the other one is a truth teller.
I called their home number and one of them picked up. I asked. 'Does Tia lie?' The person replied with a yes.
Whom did I talk with? Tia or Mia ?
You hear my sound; But that's not me In fact, we look quite differently I can have one; It always has two; I can have three It can be anywhere, but I like sitting in a tree It comes in many different forms But I usually come in one I have an assortment of colours But eat me & I'm done It can represent a bond I can be used to jam Can you figure out What it is & what I am?
There were two pairs hanging on a tree, one man walked by and took a pair. Soon after a second man also took a pear from the tree. However, even after both men took fruit from the tree there was still a pear left on the tree. How could this be?
Two brothers are twins. One twin says he is older than the other. The other twin is confused and says: in order for us to be twins we have to born on the same day. How is the one twin older than the other?