Can you solve the below equation in the picture by replacing "?" with the correct number?
It seems bottom row is disconnected as each of top rows- in this case answer is 4 If we assume there is + between the 3 rows, then answer is 24
Can you solve the below maths equation problem by replacing the question mark with the correct number?
Note: It has more than one solution.
Can you solve this tricky maths equation problem by replacing ? mark with correct number ?
19834 -----: 187 15921 -----: 153 17561 -----: 137 13734 -----: ???
Can you solve below alphametic riddle by replacing letters by number to make below equation true?
Solve the below puzzle by replacing the question mark with the correct number.
3 6 12
4 8 16
5 10 ?
Can you solve the below alphametic riddle by replacing letters of words by a number so that the below equation holds true?
BASE + BALL --------- GAMES