I am usually seen at Christmas, but I am not a stocking or a bell. I am red and white in colour and shaped a bit like the letter L. What am I?
Candy cane
Usually red in color, small in size I am often seen by city eyes.
I make up structures very tall I could make up offices and a wall.
I am usually made of clay Laid in mortar pale and gray.
What am I?
I have freedom from hate, but not from lies. I am usually seen through clouded eyes. I come unexpected, though you wait for me all your life. I can not be brought yet some people try.What am I?
I can be red or green or yellow. I'll help you stay a healthy fellow. Inside, I am white; I do not emit light. But if you look just right, I hold a star. What am I?
Whilst my body is usually made from wood, I have keys that don't unlock doors, and a bell that does not ring. Moreover, I cannot speak without the help of a single piece of cane.