The denominator of a fraction is greater than the numerator by 8. If the numerator is increased by 17 and denominator is decreased by 1, the number obtained is 3/2. Find the fraction.
x/(x+8) (x+17)/(x+8-1)=3/2 --> x=13 ---> x/(x+8)=13/21
The denominator of a fraction decreases the numerator by 6 and if 8 be added to both the fraction becomes 9/7. Find the fraction.
The denominator of a rational number is greater than its numerator by 10. If the numerator is increased by 5 and denominator is decreased by 1, then the number obtained is 3/4. Find the original rational number.
In a rational number, twice the numerator is 2 more than the denominator. If 3 is added to each i.e. the numerator and the denominator, the new fraction is 2/3.
Find the original number?
The length of a rectangle exceeds its width by 5m. If the width is increased by 1m and the length is decreased by 2m, the area of the new rectangle is 4 sq.m less than the area of the original rectangle. Find the dimensions of the original rectangle.
The average of some numbers is 57. If 68% of the numbers are increased by 6 and the remaining are decreased by 8, then the average so obtained will be?