What word is the name of?
Answer: Morris
I am a 10 letter word 3,4,1 is part of pace 8,9,2,5 is a country 7,2,9 is a name of God 6,8 is a Musical Note 1,10,2 is a fruit
My whole means same from both sides. What am I ?
I am a seven letters word, My 236 is an insect name, My 471 is an element, My 1267 is a computer bus technology for connecting hard disks and other devices. My whole letters if combined become an Indian girl name. What am I?
In each sentence below, the name of a fruit is hidden. Each of these fruits end with the word 'berry'. You wan't find the word 'berry' itself hidden there, of course, but try to find the missing part of each fruit to give it its full name. 1. He looked blue in the face from too much exposure to the freezing cold outside. 2. Boys, enter at your own risk! 3. We have a beautiful farm out in the countryside and we own a few goats, duck and one goose.
I'm an 8 letter word(12345678), I'm very smart and can be dangerous, My 78 is the name of an animal, Farmers pray for my 2345, You can keep stuffs in my 678, My 45678 is the message you received, Ladies can't do without my 123 and You can never be intel
What am I?
Guess me: I am a 8 letter word 4,5 refers to self 7,8,1 is half name of an electronic device 234 is God 5,6 are duplicates