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Find the three mammals in these statements.

0 votes

The largest crowd at the flea market came looking for bargains.
I took off the peel and ate the banana.
He has no judgements, no sense altogether.
Find the three mammals in these statements.

posted Aug 12, 2020 by Kapil Kapoor

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Can you match the animals, mammals and reptiles listed in Part 1 with the matching facts in Part 2?
And your answer is?

Part 1



  3. WOL

  4. AOLKA

  5. IREGT






  11. GAAUJR


Part 2

  1. A car is named after this fast-running animal.

  2. This bird says, "Hoo, Hoo".

  3. This animal is known for its stripes.

  4. A small ape that can usually be found in zoos.

  5. This mammal has a beak like a duck and a furry body.

  6. This animal eats eucalyptus leaves and is found only in Australia.

  7. Known for pulling into its shell when it doesn't want to be bothered.

  8. This bird bores holes in trees for nests.

  9. The scoop on this bird's beak can hold up to two gallons of water.

  10. Like a car, this animal has a trunk.

  11. Known for its spots.

  12. A long, scaly reptile with sharp teeth.
