These word pairs are not in relation to each other, but if you find their synonyms, the two words will rhyme.
Example : Over-sized Feline = Fat Cat
Kiss Dog Funny Cat Movie Monster Unusual Rabbit Copper Teapot Wedding Limo Untamed Minor
Name an English word of more than two letters that both begins and ends with the letters “he” in the order there are two possible answers.
The following sentences have two blanks that can be filled with two words that are anagram of each other.Find the words? 1. Manoj had to take his telescope to a _____ location so he could watch the _____ showers back in June. 2. The jazz fest was made up _____ of adults over 30. On the other side of the fairgrounds, the art _____ had people from 8 to 88. 3. The anxious patient in the doctor's office was _____ that so little time had _____ between his appointment time and the time he was actually seen.
The following sentences have two blanks that can be filled with two words that are anagrams of each other. Please find those words.
Mark's math __________ was a mild-mannered man. But one thing he would not tolerate was a __________. He would immediately fail anyone caught doing so.
The patient __________ his pain through physical therapy. He had seen enough __________ surgeries to know that too many people elected surgery when they shouldn't have.
After a long and successful career of serving his country, the nation was in shock as the highly regarded __________ was arrested and tried for __________.
For each of the following four words, come up with another English word that uses all the same letters but in a different order. The four words you come up with will rhyme with one another. Onset News Wrong Hornet