I am the fountain from which no one can drink, I am considered a necessary link. Like gold to all I am sought for, I am very often fought for. What am I?
I'm seven times seventy, Plus a decade more. This has all happened before. Red and gold, I am no liar. My nursery will be made From my funeral pyre.
Who am I?
I am a 7 letter word. I like mornings. If you remove my 1st letter you can drink me. If you remove my 1st & 2nd letters, you may not like me. If you remove my last letter, you will see me on television. Answer is really very interesting Let us see who solves this....
My two arms keep a rhythmical pattern. I move when necessary, but seldom when I am not needed. Through downpours, I help prevent accidents because I let people see. What am I?
I am a normal creature, but I have five hands. I can even have more but even then I will be considered normal.
I don’t like to drink coffee, but I like tea,
I don’t to swim in lakes but I will swim in a sea,
In food I don’t like carrot but like Pea,
Which insect would I like?
A. Fly B. Mosquito C. Bee D. Grasshoppers