Can you figure out the well known expression which is represented below? 102401100S5479A2499110F4329E8977T1100Y598
Here are two well-known expressions rewritten into "Cliff-ese". For those of you who don't know what that means, he was a very wordy person on the TV show "Cheers" and never used a small word where a larger one would work. Try to figure out the phrases in simpler terms. 1. To slay a brace of avian creatures with just a single Petros conglomeration. 2. Like sending dense shelly concretions through the air to fall in front of stout-bodied, artiodactyl creatures.
What expression is represented here? Brrr....shake, shake......brrrrr; me Maple, oak, blackwood, acacia, birch and mountain-ash.
Can you figure out which well known oxymorons these words are?
Ex) Initial facsimile = original copy
1) discovered lost 2) bigger part 3) sugary sour 4) sad humor 5) solitary in company
Here are some well-known expressions rewritten into "Cliff-ese". For those of you who don't know what that means, he was a very wordy person on the TV show "Cheers" and never used a small word where a larger one would work. Try to figure out the phrases in simpler terms.
To place a primitive agricultural conveyance in a position anterior to the animal Equus caballus.
It requires a number of people greater than one to perform a terpsichorean series of low dips and twisting steps on the toes.
To accumulate an excess of temperature beneath a circular, tight-fitting clothing component.
Emanating from a culinary vessel into a site of pyrogenic activity.
Four well known sayings have been reworded below. Can you identify the originals? ex: Lack of awareness brings elation.(Ignorance is bliss)