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In my job I know my fate It's written for me in black and white ........................What is my job?

0 votes

In my job I know my fate
It's written for me in black and white
Everyone will sit and wait
To see what my boss improved last night

What is my job?

posted Nov 10, 2014 by Simranjeet Singh

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On my own, I am darkness, a black abyss. But, Life brings me light with its gentle kiss. I am quiet and cold, but warmth I can hold. Alongside beauties and wonders, sights to be told. My surface may be bare, this I’m aware. But, beautiful secrets I am eager to share. My mouth so large, I swallow you whole. To be in my belly is your goal. What may lie within can drive men to sin. Greed and desire, gluttony’s kin. For some, I am fear. For others, hope. My perception shaped from life’s scope. From the earth I have come, and forever will stay, even if parts of me crumble away. What am I?
