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See if you can find 2 fractions whose denominators are 9 and 5 and the sum is equal to 113/45.

0 votes
See if you can find 2 fractions whose denominators are 9 and 5 and the sum is equal to 113/45.
posted Jul 30, 2022 by Madhavi Latha

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The conditions are as follows;

You may use any of the four basic operation (which are addition, subtraction, multiplication & division).
You can also use parenthesis if needed.
You cannot repeat the numbers.
You cannot join the numbers together (eg: 1 & 2 as 12)

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Arithmetic mean of two numbers whose sum is equal to 28, is equal to the geometrical mean of two perfect square numbers. Sum of these perfect square number out of given ten option will be

1) 42
2) 45
3) 48
4) 49
5) 51
6) 52
7) 53
8) 56
9) 58
