nice is the ans
What am I A word of 6 letters, I always play fair, Minus my first I am cold Minus my last and jumbled, I'll give you a massage Jumble my whole, You'll learn nothing from me I always play fair
Note: Think out of box...
I am a word of ten letters. My first three letters are the last thing God created. My 4th, 5th and 6th letters always goes up and never comes down. My 7th, 8th and 9th letters is the plural of my first three letters. What am I?
It is 9 letter word- 123456789 First &last are same letter, First four letter gives us next five letter Last five letter come after sun in morning First four letters are related to toothpaste,
Guess the word!
Name an English word of more than two letters that both begins and ends with the letters “he” in the order there are two possible answers.