Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley all graduated from their school. Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry and were heading out to get a job. One person became an Auror. One trained and later became a teacher at Hogwarts and one got a job at the ministry of magic. Find out who got which job and what age they got it at. (19, 20 or 21)
For this puzzle, you might have to find logic in something illogical. But hey, it’s fun and a healthy little break from your strenuous puzzle-solving sessions.
Can you decipher the meaning in the following cluster of letters?
What does alpha omega mean
Four persons Peter, Tom, Harry, and Shally read a book turn by turn. Harry reads just before Peter. Tom reads after Peter but before Shally. a. Who does read the book first? b. Who does read the book last?