I flicker and I glow and tell stories and put on a show, to make me you must move super fast many pieces of art from the first to the last. What am I?
Guess: Your energy makes me glow, makes me feel all warm inside. Though now I'm just for show, I was once useful in your life. I once stood in your presence, tall and fresh and good. Nowadays you wear me down, I wear a shrunken hood.
I live on an island, I was raised by gods, my body has tons of art and I carry a weapon which allows me to turn into all sorts of critters and creatures. Who am I?
In and out, like the tides, I go. Past the jaws, I move to and fro. If you lose me, find me fast, Or else my lose will be your last. What am I?
I have many tongues, and must be fed. Restrain me not, and I will spread. I could save you, or make you dead, it all depends on how I'm fed. Who am I?
You can slide down the mountain when you put me on, I can be made from plastic, steel and sometimes I am wooden. What am I?