I hide my treasure in the ground, my tail is big and fluffy. If you spot me in a tree, please don’t call me scruffy. What am I?
Though desert men once called me God, today men call me mad. For I wag my tail when I am angry. And growl when I am glad. What am I ?
I'm in the big black pot. You can only take me, if you've found the secret spot. I'm worth a lot, you should know. The place I'm in, is at the end of the rainbow. What am I?
I see you, but you don't see me The ground beneath me is littered with bones The air above me is my path Go now, I am sleeping under your sun Now tell me who I am ?
I am a big cat And a predator at that
In the jungle behind the tree In the branches so you can't see
Sneaking up on its prey Feeding itself for the day
Although I'm feline I can become wet Diving in seeking prey to get
What am I?