This word has 10 letters namely
1234 - carries heredity 456 - is a period of time 567 - is a pest and 890 - is a charged particle What is the word?
GENERATION-is the answer
There are 16 words. Each word has two + two blanks. You need to fill up with the same pair of letters to form a word. For example: S _ _ ur _ _ e. The missing pair letters are A T. The word is Saturate.
In this teaser, I have given you a 9-letter word. Your job is to break up this word into 9 separate letters and place them on the dashes to spell a 7-letter word, a 5-letter word, and a 3-letter word. You can use each letter only once.
_ N _ M _ R _
_ O _ O _
_ I _
This word is unique because it has 4 pairs of the letter ‘s’ in it.
Fill in the blank spots below & complete the word?
_ _ S S _ S S _ _ N _ _ S S _ _ S S
Cross out 6 letters and you'll find a word hidden there. This word should be spelled out in the same order as is written here: SBAIXNLETATNERSAS