One day, Akbar asked Birbal to fill a pot with wisdom and bring it to him. Birbal thought for a moment, then took a pot and filled it with water. He covered the pot and presented it to Akbar.
Why did Birbal fill the pot with water?
One day, Akbar challenged Birbal to bring him a half-red and half-green leaf. Birbal accepted the challenge and went into the garden.
How did Birbal manage to bring a leaf that was half-red and half-green?
Akbar decided to test the honesty of his subjects. He asked everyone in the kingdom to bring a pot of milk to the royal reservoir by the next morning. One cunning man thought his pot of water would not be noticed among all the milk.
How did Birbal reveal the deceit?
Akbar lost his ring and suspected that one of the courtiers had stolen it. He asked Birbal to find the culprit without causing any embarrassment.
How did Birbal find the thief?
A man walked in to a bar and asked for a glass of water.
The bartender took out a gun and pointed it at him.
The man who had asked for the glass of water just smiled, thanked him and walked away happy.