In a family of six persons A, B, C, D, E and F, there are two married couples. D is grandmother of A and mother of B.C is wife of B and mother of F. F is the grand daughter of E.What is the relation between C and A ?
C is the mother of A
Babu has a cuboid with dimension - a x b x c and he also has 3 cubes with side lengths a, b and c respectively. What is the relation between cuboid volume and the volume of cubes?
If blue rectangle area is equal to the sum of 3 squares areas combined as in image, what is relation between a,b,c & d?
A group of campers have been on vacation for a long, that they have forgotten the day of the week. The following conversation ensues. Christina: What is the day? I dont think it is Thursday, Friday or Saturday. Mark: Well that does not narrow it down much. Yesterday was Sunday. Meloni: Yesterday was not Sunday, tomorrow is Sunday. Bens: Day after tomorrow is Saturday. Anima: Day before yesterday was Thursday. Sugie: Tomorrow is Saturday. John: I know that the day after tomorrow is not Friday. If only one person’s statement is true, what day of the week is it?
One day, a mentally ill patient named Jaya told her doctor that she discovered the secret of youth. The doctor asked Jaya how. Jaya replied,""Because of the day I was born, I age 4 times slower than anyone else."" So, what is Jaya's birthday?