Guess Me: I'm a 6 letter word I can kill people People can also travel on me 1,2,3,4 an animal 3,2,1,5 helps reducing friction
Who am I?
BULLET 1,2,3,4 an animal = BULL 3,2,1,5 helps reducing friction = LUBE
I am a 6 letter word. 2,5,6 used by people to move from one place to another 4,3,2 is also used by people to move from one place to another 4,5,2 is the young one of carnivorous animal If u remove my 1st,2nd,3rd and 4th letters its everybody What am i?
I'm a 5 letter word, people eat me, if u remove my 1st letter I will become a crime, if u remove my 1st n last letters I become a type of music, if u remove my 1st & 2nd letters I become an animal...
What am I
Guess me: I’m a 10 letter word making people to write their names with spelling mistake. 7,6,9,8 - An emblem 10,4,1 - A currency 5,6,3,4 - An European city which has 2.5k years of history
I’m a 9 letter word. You’ve ten? I’ve none. Gimme five. 5,6,7,2,6 Acts like helping employees 4,7,8,9 Fog 3,5,4 Wife of father Who/what am I?
I’m a 9 letter word, study of the earth’s surface 9,3,4,6 Indian invented exercise 1,2,6,5 toothed wheel 8,9,7,2,5 more active than normal Who am I?