On October 2, 2001, the date in MMDDYYYY format was a palindrome (same forwards as backwards) i.e. 10022001
When was the palindrome date prior to this date?
its 2nd november, 2011
In MMDDYYYY fromat - 11022011
10:02:2001 was the first palindromic date this millennium. (It reads the same both ways). How many more palindromic dates will there be this century (please share those dates)?
Ram starts his journey from Sri Lanka to Ayodhya on 8th October 2019. Given the fact that the distance between Sri lanka and Ayodhya is 3146 kms. Given that he covers 6.6 kms every hour. How long will it take him to reach Ayodhya?
Michal was born in 1938, on a date not divisible by 2, 3, or 5, and in a month that does not contain the letters "e" or "i". When does he become one year older?