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I live in water. If u cut my head, I am at your door. If u cut my tail, I am a fruit. If you cut both, I am with you.

+5 votes

I live in water. If u cut my head, I am at your door. If u cut my tail, I am a fruit. If you cut both, I am with you. What am I?

posted Mar 2, 2014 by Luv Kumar

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+3 votes

My head and tail both equal are,
My middle slender as a bee.
Whether I stand on head or heel
Is quite the same to you or me.
But if my head should be cut off,
The matter's true, though passing strange
Directly I to nothing change.
What am I?

0 votes

I am perfect with a head, perfect without a head;
Perfect with a tail, perfect without a tail;
Perfect with either, neither, or both.
What am I ?

0 votes

Cut me for nothing to be missed,
open me to be surprised.
Be my fruit and you'll be loved,
Though if I'm from an animal you'll be doomed.

What am I?
