There can be number of possibilities,some of them are 169999 259999 349999 439999 199996 299995 399994 499993
There can be many.. First digit should be 4. And the rest 5 digits sum should be equal to 39. For Ex: 499993 => sum of digits is 43 and number is less than 500000 488887 => sum of digits is 43 and number is less than 500000 etc.
477799 477889 478888 etc.
There is a number, the second digit of which is smaller than its first digit by 4, and if the number was divided by the digit's sum, the quotient would be 7. Can you find the number?
I'm thinking of a number.
What is the number?
A 9-digit number has a property that the first 'n' digits are divisible by 'n'. There is no '0' in the number and all the digits in the number are distinct. What is the number?
I am a three digit number. The product of the first and last digits is less than 49. The sum of the first two digits is less than 16. The difference of the first and last digits is greater than 0. The sum of the digits is greater than 6. The difference of the last two digits is equal to 2. The sum of the last two digits is equal to 6. The sum of the first and last digits is equal to 8.