answer is : a needle
I am a drink.
Change one letter and I am an eye signal.
Change another letter and I am part of a candle.
Change a further letter and I am a mark of correctness.
Change one final letter and I am a stitched fold.
What was I and what did I become?
It has an eye in the middle of it, but as you see, it cannot see. It is dark and not far away. You don’t see it every day. It is not night and it is not bright. It can have twists and water and scares. What is it?
Old mother Suzie had but one eye, and a long tail that she would let fly. Every time she went over a gap, part of her tail would get caught in a trap. Who is mother suzie?
There is one that has a head without an eye, And there is one that has an eye without a head. You may find the answer if you try; And when all is said, Half the answer hangs upon a thread.