My first can be found, in a TREE, but not on the GROUND. My second not PERMITTED, but certainly ALLOWED. My third is in GREY, if it is spelled the English way. My forth is in PEA, but not in NUT. Fifth is in HOUSES, also in HUTS. SIXTH always in DAY but never night. My last is in STICKY, but not in BUN My whole very large it weighs a ton.
Who am I?
My first, a tongue in Europe found My second makes a sizzling sound My whole comes from under the ground
What am I?
My first is a creature whose breeding is unclear, My second, a price you must pay, My whole can be found in the river of Time and refers to events of today. What am I?
My first is in PORCH but not in DOOR
My second is in APPLE but not in CORE
My third is in CAN and also in TIN
My fourth is in GAIN but not in WIN
My last is in SOIL and also in CLAY
My whole is an artificial waterway.
My first is in chocolate but not in ham. My second's in cake and also in jam. My third at tea-time is easily found. My whole is a friend, who's often around. What am I?