What is one word that can be added to the following group of four words to create a new group of four words or phrases with mutual commonality?
down, left, right, up
Can you find the one word for each list that can be added to the end of each word in its list to create a new word, compound word or phrase? Round, show, throw, grow Out, be, in, sub Put, shake, get, hoe
Find a four-letter word that will make new words when it is added to the front of the following words. _______ guard ____ line _____ long ____ time
The same five-letter word can be added to either the front or back, but not both, of the following words to create four new words. Can you determine what the five-letter word's identity is?
A common three-letter word can be added in the spaces below to create four common English words. What is the three letter word?
C _ _ _ ED T _ _ _ SIT ST _ _ _ D F _ _ _ TIC