Anticlockwise COUNT LETTERS GPD=3 GPD+EJI=3+3=6 GPD+EJI+MFK=9 GPD+EJI+MFK+NRG=12 Ans is 12
12 okkkkkkkkkkkkkk?
consider a=1, b=2, c=3, . . z=26. here (m+f+k) - (e+j+i) = (13+6+11) - (5+10+9) = 6. (d+p+g) - (e+j+i) = (4+16+7) - (5+10+9) = 3. (n+r+g) - (m+f+k)=(14+18+7) - (13+6+11)=9. finally the "?" is exactly what you have guessed. (n+r+g) - (d+p+g) = (14+18+7) - (4+16+7) =12. so 12 is the answer.
The number is 12.
Which number replaces the question mark?
Which number replaces question mark in the following grid?
Which number replaces the question mark - 12, 9, 7, 3, 4, 6, ??