On six feet, I am a noxious drink, Of whose effects you shudder to think. Change only my second foot, and then You convert me into a horrible den Where the culprit, who gave the noxious drink, Awaits the fate of which you shudder to think.
HINT: Try reading it with "letters" instead of "feet".
"On six feet" means a six letter word. The first two lines refer to poison. The next two lines refer to prison. The last two refers to where "the culprit" who gave you the poison would go -- prison.
On six feet, I am a noxious drink, Of whose effects you shudder to think. Change only my second foot, and then You convert me into a horrible den Where the culprit, who gave the noxious drink, Awaits the fate of which you shudder to think. What am i ?
I am the first on Earth, The second in Heaven, I appear two times in a week, you can only see me once in a year Although I am in the middle to the sea. What am I?
I hold up the sky; I hold many pounds. Just so you know, I can never fall on the *ground*. I am made of the world; without me you'll die. The ones who survive are the ones that can fly. What am I?
Most want me; few do not. I am shaken by the sound of a single shot. I am needed on earth but I have lost my way. I wish for death to stop every day. I go to bed and wish all night but even then there is still a fight. I cannot take this anymore. Can you please just call off the war? Think of all the sons, daughters, nephews and nieces. Do you know what I am?
I am a mother. However, I never give birth.
I am a father. However, I never nurse my children.
Wandering is not possible for me, but standing still happens occurs rarely.
Who am I?