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What is the record for obtaining Gold, Silver and Bronze in a Single Event by a Single Country in Winter Olympics?

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What is the record for obtaining Gold, Silver and Bronze in a Single Event by a Single Country in Winter Olympics?
posted Aug 29, 2016 by Ritika Sharma

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At the Sochi 2014 Winter Games, the Netherlands won gold, silver, and bronze in 4 different speed skating events:

  • Men's 5000m: Sven Kramer, Jan Blokhuijsen, and Jorrit Bergsma
  • Men's 500m: Michel Mulder, Jan Smeekens, and Ronald Mulder
  • Men's 10000m: Jorrit Bergsma, Sven Kramer and Bob de Jong
  • Women's 1500m: Jorien ter Mors, Ireen Wüst and Lotte van Beek
answer Jan 3, 2017 by Abhishek Maheshwari